Though they haven’t been together for long (just two months), Seth the greyhound has well and truly cemented himself into Holly’s life in North Bendigo.
“He has settled in so well. It feels like he’s been here forever. Ours was the first home he had ever been in. I remember his first day he was very confused by the carpet, looking at me as if to say, “Can I walk on this?” Now he doesn’t hesitate to take a nap on the couch.” says Holly.
Seth is very affectionate and loves interacting with other dogs and humans as well as playing fetch in the backyard. Just like all greyhounds, Seth can be a bit lazy, as Holly explains: “Being a greyhound, he also loves his naps, sleeping for about 18-20 hours a day, which is perfect for me as a full-time worker.”
When not sleeping, Seth, who is just two years old, can still very much behave like a mischievous puppy.
“Given the chance he will steal shoes and play with them, and he’s the perfect height to put his head on the kitchen bench to steal unattended food. He also has a bad case of selective hearing. Obviously, we have a few things to work towards in training.”
Seth is also the name of an Egyptian God who, according to legend, often took the form of a greyhound. He was also regarded by some as a bit of a trickster… Seems like this boy got the right name.
Regardless, Holly admits that owning a greyhound has been very rewarding.
“The best thing about it is the enthusiastic greeting I get once I get home from a long shift. I would wholeheartedly recommend Greyhounds as pets. Seth has been an absolute joy. We love each other very much and I couldn’t imagine life without him ❤”