Bobby the greyhound has swapped the racing track for a life with four children, six horses, a terrier, cats and dairy cows in Numurkah.
It’s a far cry from the racing track but Bobby is not fazed by any of it. He gave the cats and horses a sniff, then walked quietly away.
Kylie and Mark Sutton and their children Brittany, Braydon, Makaya and Kyran, found Bobby at the greyhound adoption weekend which was held at GAP’s headquarters at Seymour.
Bobby was one of 104 greyhounds to find new homes during GAP’s first-ever weekend-long adoption event.
Bobby has settled very comfortably into his new home. A bit like Goldilocks, he tried to find the perfect place to sleep and, after a restless night for everyone involved, he rejected the couple’s bed, then a beanbag and a toddler’s bed before he finally settled for the family couch.
Choosing Bobby was a decision that involved everyone in the family. They studied the GAP adoption website for weeks before narrowing down the field to five dogs but didn’t hesitate when they finally met him at the GAP facility.
“I can’t get over his gentle nature,” Kylie said. “He is so laid back and gentle.”
Bobby retired from the racing track 12 months ago. His trainer Simon Barker, who had Bobby for two years – first to train him, then as a pet – always thought Bobby was a special dog with a beautiful nature. Originally known as Dark Jameson he also had success on the track, with 13 wins and 27 minor placings in 77 starts.
“It broke my heart to let him go,” he says, “but my 101-year-old dad has come to live with me again and we’re worried that he will trip over the dog or the gate will be left open. It wasn’t safe for dad or the dog.”
It was a difficult decision to make but Simon is happy that he has gone to a loving home.
Bobby had a moment in the limelight as a radio star just before the adoption weekend. He went with GAP representatives to the 3AW studio in Melbourne to spread the word about the adoption weekend and drew plenty of pats and attention from the show’s hosts.
Spread out on the couch in Numurkah, he looks ready for a quiet retirement after the excitement of a busy week.
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