
  • Friday, 08 Feb, 2019,
  • by Greyhound Racing Victoria

Friends of Greyhound Adoption Programs

Noel McMahon is a passionate greyhound enthusiast who started a Facebook group to provide support for greyhound owners and people who have recently adopted pet greyhounds. Noel started the group called Friends of Greyhound Adoption Programs eight years ago with just his greyhound and himself, and it now has nearly 6000 followers.

“I saw that there was a need for a support network, something that runs 24/7 that people can get on and ask questions and tap into the experiences of others,” Noel told Simone Fisher on RSN’s Talking Greyhounds.


“With a lot of new owners coming on board, they have a lot of questions – things that happen with their dogs in the middle of the night or early in the morning – so having access to people is really important.”

In addition to new owners, the group consists of greyhound professionals who can provide useful information, including trainers, racing members and vets. There are also long-time pet greyhound owners and foster carers in the group.

“It’s very organic and people are tapping into real genuine experience. Not theoretical stuff, nothing that some academic in a university has written a paper on, it’s very practical and hands-on knowledge. People have been at this for a long time and can give their experience over to help new owners.”

The group has also helped dispel some of the myths around greyhound racing and there are pet owners in the group who have spoken to trainers first-hand to get a better understanding of the industry.

“There is a really big educational role in this group,” Noel said. “There are myths and things people just don’t understand. To get trainers and race members on there, and to reunite adopted dogs with their previous trainers, we break down those barriers and then they start to realize that these are just people who are very, very passionate about dogs and have a lot of experience.”

Friends of Greyhound Adoption Programs is a great space for people to ask any questions they may have and to remind greyhound owners to be mindful of their pets. For instance, Noel is often reminding owners that their pets may be lazy but lurking inside that couch potato is a greyhound, so it is important that they prevent escapes and keep them on a lead in public.

You can join this fantastic greyhound support group by searching Friends of Greyhound Adoption Programs on Facebook.

Talking Greyhounds - February 2, 2019 with Simone Fisher. Simone is joined by passionate greyhound enthusiast Noel McMahon.
Greyhound Racing VictoriaGreyhound Racing Victoria

Greyhound Racing Victoria

GRV regulates the sport of greyhound racing in the state of Victoria under the Racing Act 1958 (Act), which includes setting standards and ensuring they are met by participants.

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CEO Monthly Update February 2019

Last month saw a great win by Dyna Hunter in the Warragul Cup, the second leg of the Gippsland Carnival, and you can read more about it in this issue.