Roll up…roll up…the Greyhound Adoption Program’s next two adoption days have been announced.
This is your chance to meet and interact with more than 20 adorable adoption-ready greyhounds.
So if you’re ready to welcome one of our friendly, well-mannered greyhounds into your life, head to the Sandown Greyhound Racing Club on March 14 or The Meadows Greyhound Racing Club on April 26.
But be warned, you may experience love at first sight.
To increase your chances of adopting on the day, we recommend that you fill in an Adopt a Greyhound Application prior to the day.
Adopt a Greyhound Application: Click Here
Sandown Greyhound Racing Club
View St, Springvale
Saturday 14 March
The Meadows Greyhound Racing Club
80 Northcorp Bvd, Broadmeadows
Sunday 26 April
CLICK HERE for more information and to SIGN UP for the upcoming Adoption Days.