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A Flying Visit Leads to Adoption

One Monday night about four years ago Jason Pietro innocently went into The Flying Duck Hotel in Prahran and ended up coming out with greyhounds as pets on his mind. Monday night at The Flying Duck is ‘Mad Dog Monday’ where people are encouraged to come for dinner and bring their dog along. The night Jason went, a greyhound birthday party was occurring with around 12 other greyhounds, party hats and all.

Speaking with the lady whose greyhound’s birthday it was and watching these dogs interact with each other was an eye opening experience. To his surprise, all he had previously heard about these dogs was false and in fact they were the complete opposite to the aggressive, active and unsociable dog he was led to believe they were. Instead these dogs were placid, loving and very lazy animals. As with most people these days though, Jason led a busy lifestyle so the option of having a dog seemed out of the question but the lady quickly dispelled this myth and all of a sudden the potential of owning a dog seemed that little bit closer.

The time wasn’t right four years ago but ever since this encounter, greyhounds had been on his mind as a potential pet and his partner Maz Roginski, another dog lover, couldn’t agree more.  Together they researched about the greyhound breed through YouTube videos and other websites to find out more about these amazing animals.

Jason and Maz held off until they were ready to welcome a dog into their home and that leads us to a couple of weeks ago when they made the trip up to the GAP property in Seymour and met around 20 greyhounds, with one being a four year old girl named Penny. Penny melted their hearts but they found out that Penny was going to the Adoption Day on Saturday 14th March at Sandown Racetrack. Jason and Maz made their way to Sandown on that Saturday.

“We walked in and Penny recognised us straight away from Seymour and came running over…it was fate” Jason said, and with that, Jason and Maz decided Penny was the one.

Jason and Maz took Penny home to their three storey townhouse in Clifton Hill where she has “settled in beautifully”.

“She has not been an issue and takes care of herself”.

Since adopting Penny, Jason mentions that his lifestyle has changed again from being out with work most of the time to working from home because he just wants to spend time with Penny.

Jason laughs that they have multiple beds spread across the three storey’s and she often goes from bed to bed. “She is fine with stairs and when she’s not sleeping she’s wagging her tail”.

“It has been an easy transition; she loves people, loves other dogs and is just so placid”.

Jason said if he had any advice for people considering adopting, it is to “definitely consider a greyhound”. Even though Jason and Maz had an easy transition bringing Penny home, Jason says “if you are worried in the transition period, just be patient and do your research”.

Jason also laughs and says “get two not one”, which is next on the cards for Jason and Maz themselves later this year, around Christmas time. One is just not enough!

The GAP’s next ‘Adoption Day’ will be held at The Meadows Racetrack in Broadmeadows on Sunday 26 April, while potential adopters are also welcome to meet a host of adoption-ready greyhounds at Seymour (just an hour from Melbourne) on most weekdays via appointment by calling 5799 0166.


Click Here to register for the Greyhound Adoption Program’s next ‘Adoption Day’ at The Meadows on Sunday 26 April.

